Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine that promotes the body's natural healing processes. Chinese medicine views the body as a systematic whole that works to maintain a harmonious balance. When symptoms arise, it is our body’s way of communicating to us that something is out of harmony. Acupuncture utilizes the body’s own energy to correct internal imbalances. Acupuncture helps bring the body back to a homeostatic state by regulating the nervous system, increasing blood flow, improving circulation and strengthening normal bodily functions. It involves the insertion of thin, sterile needles into precise acupuncture points. The patient’s signs, symptoms and health patterns help to determine which points to use. When our bodies have more abundant resources, we are able to recover from conditions more quickly and are strong enough to prevent illness from arising.
Most people assume that the needles we use are the same as those used to draw blood or give an injection. Acupuncture needles are quite different. They don’t create the painful sensation associated with getting a shot. People generally find acupuncture treatments to be relaxing and rejuvenating. All needles used at our facility are sterile, single use only, and are disposed of properly.
Initial Visit: 80 minutes, $110
Follow up visit: 60 minutes, $80
4 Treatment Package: $300 ($75 per treatment, $20 savings)
8 Treatment Package: $560 ($70 per treatment, $80 savings)
*Treatment packages are for follow up visits only and are to be used within 6 months of purchase.
Deluxe Acupuncture with Laura: $140
This appointment begins with a 30 minute cupping/gua sha massage and follows with a relaxing and therapeutic acupuncture treatment. This 90-minute appointment is for existing patients only
Most people assume that the needles we use are the same as those used to draw blood or give an injection. Acupuncture needles are quite different. They don’t create the painful sensation associated with getting a shot. People generally find acupuncture treatments to be relaxing and rejuvenating. All needles used at our facility are sterile, single use only, and are disposed of properly.
Initial Visit: 80 minutes, $110
Follow up visit: 60 minutes, $80
4 Treatment Package: $300 ($75 per treatment, $20 savings)
8 Treatment Package: $560 ($70 per treatment, $80 savings)
*Treatment packages are for follow up visits only and are to be used within 6 months of purchase.
Deluxe Acupuncture with Laura: $140
This appointment begins with a 30 minute cupping/gua sha massage and follows with a relaxing and therapeutic acupuncture treatment. This 90-minute appointment is for existing patients only
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is a gentle, safe, and effective way to address signs of aging. Facial acupuncture helps to promote blood flow to the face, support facial muscles, and build collagen. With regular treatments, you can see a reduction in fine lines, wrinkles, facial puffiness, drooping, and sagging. This treatment is more than just a cosmetic treatment. Since we are still utilizing body acupuncture points, we are helping the body balance the flow of energy and support your own unique constitution. At this visit, you will receive a customized acupuncture treatment on the face and body, along with facial cupping and guasha.
Each body is different, and depending on age and concern, we will develop a treatment plan to meet your needs. A standard course of treatment is weekly treatments for 12 weeks. Afterwards, we will reevaluate your progress and determine how to proceed. For maintenance treatments, we recommend treatments on a monthly basis to supplement your home skin care practice.
This treatment is not for people who are currently pregnant, have untreated hypertension, or suffer from migraines.
Please feel free to contact us if you have questions to see if this is a good treatment option for you.
Initial visit: 90 minutes, $180
Follow up visit: 70 minutes, $160
6 Treatment Package: $900 ($150 per treatment, $60 savings)
12 Treatment Package: $1680 ($140 per treatment, $240 savings)
*Treatment packages are for follow up visits only
Acupuncture + mini Facial add-on with Laura: $105
Enjoy the relaxing and restorative benefits of acupuncture with a 15 minute facial rejuvenation gua sha add-on. Gua sha is a technique that provides a natural facelift, reduces wrinkle and puffiness, clears inflamed or acne prone skin, and leaves you with a glowing complexion. This 90-minute appointment is for existing patients only.
Each body is different, and depending on age and concern, we will develop a treatment plan to meet your needs. A standard course of treatment is weekly treatments for 12 weeks. Afterwards, we will reevaluate your progress and determine how to proceed. For maintenance treatments, we recommend treatments on a monthly basis to supplement your home skin care practice.
This treatment is not for people who are currently pregnant, have untreated hypertension, or suffer from migraines.
Please feel free to contact us if you have questions to see if this is a good treatment option for you.
Initial visit: 90 minutes, $180
Follow up visit: 70 minutes, $160
6 Treatment Package: $900 ($150 per treatment, $60 savings)
12 Treatment Package: $1680 ($140 per treatment, $240 savings)
*Treatment packages are for follow up visits only
Acupuncture + mini Facial add-on with Laura: $105
Enjoy the relaxing and restorative benefits of acupuncture with a 15 minute facial rejuvenation gua sha add-on. Gua sha is a technique that provides a natural facelift, reduces wrinkle and puffiness, clears inflamed or acne prone skin, and leaves you with a glowing complexion. This 90-minute appointment is for existing patients only.
Chinese Herbal MedicineChinese herbal medicine uses the power of plants and minerals to treat various internal medical conditions. Herbal remedies are formulated for each individual's specific needs. Each individual herb has different actions on specific tissues in the body. When various herbs are combined to create a customized formula, they act together to resolve imbalances and strengthen the functions of the body’s internal organs.
E-Stim, short for electrical stimulation, is the use of an electrical current between two acupuncture points. Probes are connected to acupuncture needles and an electrical current is sent between two points. E-stim is an effective treatment modality for increasing circulation, decreasing inflammation, reducing pain and speeding up recovery time.
This service is included in a standard acupuncture visit if needed, at no additional cost.
This service is included in a standard acupuncture visit if needed, at no additional cost.
Moxibustion is a classic Chinese medicine treatment modality which involves the application of heat. Applying heat to specific acupuncture points warms the body, increases blood flow and nourishes the immune system.
This service is included in a standard acupuncture visit if needed, at no additional cost.
This service is included in a standard acupuncture visit if needed, at no additional cost.
Cupping involves the application of suction using either glass or plastic cups. When the suction is applied to the skin, it essentially creates a reverse massage. Cupping helps separate the myofascia from the muscle in order to release toxins and alleviate painful muscle adhesions. This modality helps to increase blood circulation, relax tight muscles and reduce pain.
This service is included in a standard acupuncture visit if needed, as well as our Deluxe Acupuncture treatment with Laura. We also offer a stand alone cupping session with Laura: 30 minutes for $60. Gua ShaGua Sha is a Traditional Chinese Medicine technique that involves scraping the skin with a smooth-edged tool. We understand this sounds unpleasant. However, this technique is wonderful for releasing tension, breaking up muscle adhesions, and promoting blood flow to an area. When used gently on the face, it can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, minimize puffiness, and sculpt the facial muscles.
Body Work
Asian body work encompasses various manual modalities and techniques that are used within Oriental medicine. At The Acupuncture Center of Asheville, manual therapy is used within the diagnostic paradigm and is customized for each persons condition. Healing touch is essential to health and heals not only the physical body, but the emotional body as well.
Happy Belly Treatment
The Happy Belly Treatment begins with an abdominal massage followed by a customized acupuncture treatment. Our unique abdominal massage blends Mayan and Japanese abdominal massage techniques. This non-invasive, external massage technique repositions the internal organs, allowing for improved functioning for optimal health and wellness. This technique moves congested lymph fluid, oxygenates the blood, increases immune function, and maintains proper nerve flow. This treatment focuses on supporting women’s health, including menstrual concerns, fertility support, menopausal symptoms, urinary incontinence, and digestive disorders.
This treatment is not for people who are currently pregnant.
Initial Visit: $150
Follow up visits: $120
This treatment is not for people who are currently pregnant.
Initial Visit: $150
Follow up visits: $120