Today is the national Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Day!
Curious about the benefits of acupuncture? Check out this video below and find out how Chinese medicine can become an integral part of your health care. Acupuncture is safe, effective and free of negative side effects.
In celebration of AOM Day, if you schedule an appointment this week you will receive $10 off your next visit!
*Offer expires on 10/30/16. Not valid with other offers or prior purchase
Curious about the benefits of acupuncture? Check out this video below and find out how Chinese medicine can become an integral part of your health care. Acupuncture is safe, effective and free of negative side effects.
In celebration of AOM Day, if you schedule an appointment this week you will receive $10 off your next visit!
*Offer expires on 10/30/16. Not valid with other offers or prior purchase